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tv   BBC Newsnight  PBS  September 29, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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>> this is "bbc world news night." funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, and union bank. >> at union bank, our relationship managers work hard
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to understand the industry you operate in, working to provide capital for key strategic decisions. we offer expertise and tailored solutions in a range of industries. what can we do for you? >> more writing in europe. this time in spain as the euro crisis strikes again. this week, clashes between protesters and spain as the government sets out its austerity budget for 2013. the country is now ungovernable? we look at florida, a crucial swing state in the upcoming election. david cameron reaffirms its commitment to sending 0.7% of
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gdp and foreign aid. can western countries afford to be so generous? and juliette binoche has returned to the london stage after 12 years. >> you can say any age because it is about passion and love. who you are. hello. a budget for a crisis to get us out of the crisis was the way the deputy prime minister described her government's actions. 40 billion euros worth of cuts by her government was met with the stress from the spanish peseta since all the european commission -- what nobody knows is whether the markets will be pacified.
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>> of spain has been bracing for this day, counting down to what they knew was going to be painful. tv stations have been cobbling little else for weeks. their viewers were shocked as the intensity of spanish streets as thousands of frustrated young people had to be a lot away from the vicinity of the parliament. >> the police are clearing the square in front of the parliament over there and they're dispersing protesters that way to make sure that the main thoroughfares are clear for the traffic tomorrow morning. >> today in the newsroom, i wanted to get a sense of what the silent majority or making of the sweeping cuts they knew were needed but have trouble swallowing. >> one of the things that
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people ask, our mood changes really quickly and now we are pessimistic. i think not having light at the end of the tunnel is even worse. >> is charged with selling this turnaround is the ruling center- right government which is have the shortest honeymoon in political history. >> we were expecting to have a deficit that was going to be about 7% of the economy and it turned out to be 9%. we did not have the time to react. so weak in our political manifesto, the main aim was that we were going to give spain what it needed. there were not actual promises but as a general promised to try to manage the situation. the figures were worse but we
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were struggling. >> what would the opposition socialist to differently? spain has one of the biggest property bubbles followed by the collapse. >> we want comprehensive reform of the fiscal system. it has to be more progressive. we know in spain that corporations only pay 11% from their benefits. at the same time, there is a large number of citizens who do not pay taxes to income tax. they are liberal professions like people who put all their revenues inside society. we believe there has to be changes and we have to have a
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more comprehensive system that is able to control everybody. >> won the budget was announced, it was predictable. this economy has already seen 65 billion euros out of it this year. today was confirmed a further 90 billion euros would be cut over the coming two. >> 1 economy is represented here by the corporate giants to continue to flourish around the world and then there is the real economy outside these walls, where unemployment is high and consumer spending is low. the challenge facing the government is to somehow cut the deficit now that same time bridge the gap between the corporate world and the real world outside. >> with the race for the white house, mitt romney and president obama are working to win the hearts and minds of voters. or american voters in the key
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swing states. america remains a 50-50 nation, split between republicans and democrats. the atmosphere has become so poisonous that the kind of bipartisan politics necessary to make government function are often missing. our correspondent reports from florida. >> the clips and the glamour, the ever-changing landscape of the miami skyline. for many americans, miami, but avian, too gleaming and in 2012, all eyes are on this state. >> florida matters, that is what we are going to be told over and over again. 29 votes. it is a big state that could make all of the difference between obama and romney. all of that is true.
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but who cares? or to put it more precisely, are we missing the bigger picture for florida and the rest of the united states? which is that this country has become ungovernable. its politics are poisonous. miami dade colleges the biggest in the nation. 175,000 students. all of them called on the streets in this massive voter registration drive which comes at the end of months of court battles over access. what i need you need? how far in advance can you do it? poorer voters are less likely to get to the polls on time. folks think florida republicans are fighting dirty. >> the efforts have come from
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republicans. in essence, you have the fact of suppressing the vote. >> that is what you see the purpose is? >> exactly. >> that is a fundamental issue at the heart of american democracy. if you think people are trying to stop their opponent's voting. >> extremely self. especially when the people that are registered to vote are with a red -- organization like ours. they are normally minorities. by stopping third party organizations from registering, you're stopping minorities from registering. >> on the other side of the fence, they seem equally bitter. the conservative talk radio station caters to an audience many of whom feel that the democrats are trying to steal florida.
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>> i hope florida understands what happens in florida can decide who the next president is. >> absolutely. appreciate your time. senator john mccain from arizona. >> i have no examples of anybody trying to suppress the vote. i think people should have to prove who they are. i cannot cash a check without a driver's license. but we are allowing people to vote without proof of their identity, who can walk into a boater's registration drive and say their name is tim tebow and get a valid. >> and you are saying there are some who are giving false names? >> we know they did it in 2008 and 2010. my expectation is they will probably do it again. >> enough already. what interests me is what has
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caused this mess. are they bumping into each other and not saying excuse me? are they failing to tell each other to have a nice days? >> of course not. america is a placid place. or maybe not. perhaps ordinary americans are the problem. many years ago, the late senator had a message for his fellow citizens -- you are entitled as americans to your opinions, but you're not entitled to your on facts. well, americans thought carefully about what he said and decided to take no notice. this man has dabbled in fact and fiction in thinks there's a difference between them. he is a novelist. is it also the case that there is so much information out there that people use that information to back up what they
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already think? there are more resources that appeared to back up your case. >> i think that is true and we are guilty of it. the differences i am looking for actual facts. i am not looking for a guy who is writing in a closet in utah. that is not where i'm going for my information but i am the benefit of a lifetime in journalism. most people do not. they are driving down the highway and they want to turn russia limbaugh on the radio to rant and rave about the welfare state in america. this is what they have felt in their hearts. that is where they're going to go on the dial. is he changing any minds? no, he is attracting people who think the way he does. >> there is another explanation for america's lender -- anger. it is the economy.
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this explanation looks back at the last 50 years of american history. the nation has made and spent money, big money. ♪ wonderful town, wonderful people ♪ >> there was good years and that years but that trend was always up. richard nixon expanded social spending. the democrats have reduced taxes as well. and everyone got a car with fins. now that is over. perhaps for a long time. the economy is growing again but slowly. the 16 trillion dollars of debt -- the university of miami is as fine of any place to contemplate the future of the nation. indeed a strong stomach for gloomy talk. >> part of the amtrak -- we do
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not have enough to go around. we're in a rough period. the flexibility that was felt to years ago under bush and clinton, we no longer have that cushion of our own prosperity. the battling has gone worse. absolutely. >> there will be some who point out this is still an energetic place. the energy does not come from government. it might come from the lack of it. america may be forced to find out in the years ahead. >> the british prime minister david cameron was in new york this week to reaffirm his government's goal to spend with
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their plans & on foreign aid. if all goes to plan, the u.k. will hit the -- to spend 0.7% on foreign aid. back home, there are plenty of politicians to think that's spending so much another country's problems at a time when the u.k. is in recession is madness. emily spoke to david cameron's former speechwriter and the executive director of an action group co-founded by the musician bono. >> whenever in the department is getting cut, is this unjustifiable? >> i do not think it is. it is affordable and the figure you did not hear and which the british public years, it cost just over a penny on each pound of revenue. a penny on the town, 99 pence
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goes elsewhere. >> it is interesting to hear because it is 300 pounds per household being spent. 2 surely the statistics, it is outdated. it has nothing to do with modernization. it is an anachronism. look at the recent reports. it says that 1 billion pounds was spent on educating children in three african countries. there has been no improvement whatsoever in literacy. it is all about meeting targets, not achieving anything. that is the biggest problem. i would not object if it was going to do something. >> really? >> i have no problem. but it is corrosive. it is corroding the connection between governments and people. a lot of the money and workers say it does not work. forget for all the
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talk we hear about education, $1.3 billion helps to clean up turkey and improve things and iceland. this is where the money is going. they do not know what to do with the money. a lot of consultants are getting rich on the back of this. >> no development aid goes to iceland. that money is about exception to the european union. that is the kind of misunderstanding. it does not come out of the aid budget. but a fight in -- >> 500 million last year paid consultants. many of them grow straight into the pockets of the people who run them. >> absolutely right. she looks at exactly where the money goes. it does worry us. absolutely. these are big challenges.
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we need experts, we need people who have dealt with these problems before to bring to bear. some of them will be consultants. is there money being spent that could be spent in other ways? >> is an inconvenient it is going to do more harm than good? there must be better solutions to. >> sticky person in rwanda -- take the person in rwanda. the pledges meaningless. the target is ridiculous. it encourages governments to get it signed off to the target was made up in the 1960's based on figures from the 1940's. when the u.n. look at these figures and said it should be served. 4%. -- 0.4%.
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>> in a sense it does not matter. it is the policy. i do not believe it is about that but i understand the argument. it is a policy of all three major parties of the last election and so what is happening now is the enactment of democracy. when you go out and talk to the public -- just a year ago, when people were asked the question in a fair way, not, given the recession, can we possibly afford -- >> that was some time ago. support is falling. these millionaires are not paying their fault amount of tax. and they want them to spend money that does not work. they have been shown not to work. >> the same amount of money was
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to -- page to disasters, you would not have a problem? >> when you have a disaster, it causes chaos on the ground. groups like msf, who are good in these situations, have a huge problem because there is so much money around and there are so many charities exploiting this. >> people are campaigning on these issues and no this is an investment we can afford. it is cheaper than people believe that it is something we should continue. >> the oscar-winning french times -- actress juliette binoche has returned to the london stage after 12 years. binoche, who chooses to live in france, is planning the eponymous role in "miss julie." we spoke to her about the
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difficulties of applying an aristocratic young woman. >> it is a tough role to play. she is not a very likable character. she is coquettish and needy. >> i am not planning her like that. is an idea. >> she is doomed. she is doomed from the start. >> it depends how you want to look at miss julie. of course you can make her coquettish but why? it is an idea. but i think deep down she wants to be, she is lost in not knowing in what is a woman or a man. she was brought up in both ways. i think care in need of being close is masculine.
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[speaking french] >> as the main characters are going back and forth, fighting so hard in trying to defend who they are and what is the other person's needs and desires. that is why it is fascinating. you can play any age because it is about passion and love and searching who you are. she is a kind of hamlin character.
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she has a layer of trying to understand who she is. because he is a generous in his riding, he is a poet. -- writing, thehe is a poet. he is searching for the impossible idea of loving. when you expect some much, you disappoint. >> when you look at the parts that you have not played, for example, you are in marie stuart. >> whether you play miss julie -- again, for my taste, he put his heart in operation. you are really opening up. it is more head-oriented.
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but what he is missing, for me, swinberg goes into it. he wrote the play in two weeks. in a big crisis. when you read about his relationship with his wife, he was divorcing. it would kill each other during the day and then they would make love like crazy. actually in the play, it is really what happened. they were going back and forth. at the moment, she is totally alone. [speaking french]
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in acting, it is about for getting yourself. you let go because you want to go with the feeling, with the sensation. the head is not leading. it is the body that is leading. in the body you have every mayor, you mayorguts, emotion, the talking and the spirit. if you do not have everything in the body, the body is useless. it contains everything. >> a wonder what she made of france's astonishment these pictures of the future queen of england to topless. >> and never looked at tabloids. somebody told me but i am not aware of it.
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i am an ignorance about it. you turn your eye away. >> i am surprised. don't you think it is an invasion of privacy? >> the law in francis specific -- france is specific. >> you wonder why they took the risk. >> because then you can talk about it. otherwise they would not care. if nobody was buying or looking, they would not take the pictures. >> it is difficult to embrace success as a french woman. is it friends to celebrate success? >> that is quite true. in a way. but recently i have observed there were successful actors and
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directors and may have been embraced. but maybe when you have success, it might be more difficult. i do not now. thank you very much. >> that is all from all of us. goodbye. >> makes sense of international news at funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, and union bank. >> at union bank, our
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relationship managers offers specialized solutions to help you meet your growth objectives. we offer expertise and tailored solutions for small businesses and major corporations. what can we do for you? >> bbc news was presented by
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